4 de julio de 2010


Stop wasting your time. It's not out there.
Sow your brain, not your imagination.
Keep your eyes open, do not even blink.
Never believe. Others' words can always be lies.
Speech does not equal promise.
Waiting rooms are not suitable spaces.
Crafts are good friends.
Have an agenda for suffering. Respect it.
Stop depending on make-up. Any kind.
Answer back.
Thinking is not always the best choice.
Over doing pleasure isn't either.
Listen to sad songs. You're allowed.
Good news is spoiled if told. Hush.
When in doubt, take a shower.
Don't look down for comfort.
Drink wine and tea.
Build your memories around the same neighborhood. That way only one place in the city will hurt.
Smile to strangers…some of them at least.
Your literature baggage cannot be composed of love stories exclusively.
If you’ve got nothing to say, keep quiet.
Know when to finish everything you start.

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